Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Memory & Notes

It was only a year and a half ago, when I couldn't remember what happened only moments prior. I had to be told each day why I was at the hospital, tied to a bed, with all sorts of tubes coming out of my body. Troy and my parents kept track of where I needed to be and when for my various therapies.
Once my printing/handwriting had improved to a point where it was legible, my mom gave me a notebook to keep in my bag, to write everything I needed to write. Which turned out to be everything!

I used my agenda as well for booked appointments, and scheduled events. I was already used to using an agenda from my university experience and sometimes working two different jobs while taking classes.
That's, essentially, what I was doing when we crashed. Entirely too much!
I was working full time at Great West Life, in their call centre for group health and dental insurance. I worked at Metro Pet Market part time. I performed with a belly dance performance group, eXalta6, that included weekly meetings and rehearsals, as well as costume-making. I was also taking a holistic pet nutrition course. It sounds crazy to me now!! Apparently I needed a coma to slow me down!

I was also a big fan of making lists prior to the brain injury. Just to feel the satisfaction of crossing an item off my list when completed. <sigh> So good.
I have a weekly calendar on my fridge, and a list of daily 'events', like eating breakfast or lunch. Yes, I do forget! Embarrassingly often!!
I kept a fairly large 'purse' on me because the brain injury required that I keep a lot of different information on me. Not only was I trying to memorize the details of my brain injury to relay to whomever was asking, I was also trying to memorize details regarding veganism to talk about it with the medical professionals I saw often.
I have lots of records of my injury and recovery. Lots!
My handwriting on December 14, 2009
(my mom wrote the date)

Now, that I have one, I use my iPhone all the time! How did people with brain injuries deal before technology?!
The notes section has been extremely helpful, the calendar is great, and I use the alarm to set everything!
Awake, nap time, eat, work out, feed dogs and cat, I can set anything!
The alarm is also perfect for setting timers for the oven and stove, especially when I walk out of the room. I often forget that anything is actually happening in the other room...Plus, I save lots of paper!

My memory IS improving!
I don't have to keep near the number of notes that I once did! I have remembered that my neuro-psych assessment is on December 12 and 13th, for longer than ever!
Well, it could be argued that December 12th means a lot to me and my family. That was the day my older sister died of kidney cancer. That was also the day I started to come out of the coma. And it's my 1 year and 3 month veganniversary!
Either way! I am remembering!

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